PreSonus ACP88 - 8 Channel Compress/Limiter with Gate

Product #33240 | SKU ACP88 | Presonus
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  • Eight channels of compression
  • Full featured gates
  • Brick wall limiting
  • Link function


The ACP88 comprises eight channels of compression, brick wall limiting and seamless noise gating for a variety of applications. Each channel of the unit contains an audio compressor, which can also be setup as a limiter by varying the ratio of compression. The user has control over threshold, ratio, attack and release for each processor, in addition to selecting between auto or manual attack and release curves, and hard or soft knee compression types.

Additionally each channel of the ACP-88 has a separate dynamic noise gate, that can be used to gate an entire drum kit, clean up a noisy tape machine, isolate an instrument or separate a vocal from background noise. Each noise gate provides control over attack, threshold, release and gate close range. The gate close range can be useful in creating a more natural sounding blend or mix when gating many instruments at once.

Using the Link function allows the user to combine any combination of ACP-88 channels, effectively forming a sub-group. When linked, all processors follow the setting of the master processor, which is always the processor furthest to the left in a link group. For example, one could link together channels 7 and 8 to form a stereo pair, channels 3, 4 and 5 to form a subgroup of processors, while leaving channels 1, 2 and 6 available for independent applications such as compression, limiting, or gating as the situation dictates. In addition, every channel has separate bypass and gain controls.

A compressor sidechain jack is available on every channel. When multiple channels are linked together, the send of the master channel sidechain jack contains a mix of all the channels in the link, which allows control over multiple channels of processing with one sidechain send/return.


  • Eight channels of compression/limiting with full function gates
  • Full control over compression threshold, ratio, attack and release

Auto Mode

  • Sets program dependent release with medium/fast attack* Hard/Soft Knee switch on each channel
  • Full featured gates allow control over threshold, attack, release, and two position gate range
  • De-essing, ducking and other forms of spectral processing can be accomplished using the independent sidechains for both compressor and gate, provided on all channels
  • Link button allows for the true stereo or sub-group link operation


Function Compressor/Limiter and Gate
Number of Channels 8
Inputs 8 x 1/4" TRS phone
16 x 1/4" TRS phone Sidechain
Output 8 x 1/4" TRS phone
Maximum Input Level Not specified by manufacturer
Compression Threshold -40dBu to +20dBu
Compression Ratio 1:1 to 20:1
Attack Time 0.02ms to 200ms
Release Time 0.5ms to 500ms
Gate Threshold -70dBu to +20dBu
Gate Rate Attack: 0.01ms to 100ms
Release: 0.02ms to 2 sec
Maximum Output Level +24dBu
Make-up Gain -20dB to +20dB
Frequency Response 10Hz to 50kHz
Dynamic Range 115dB
Noise >95dB
Dimensions 2U rack mount, 7" deep
Specialities Unit will operate at either +4dB or -10 dB, switchable

In The Box

  • PreSonus ACP88
  • Power Cable
  • One Year Warranty


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  • Product: PreSonus ACP88 - 8 Channel Compress/Limiter with Gate
  • Manufacturer: Presonus
  • Model: ACP88
  • SKU: ACP88
  • RM Product #: 33240

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